If you are self-employed, the IRS wants you to know about a tax deduction generally available to people who are self-employed. The deduction is for medical, dental or long-term care insurance premiums that self-employed people often pay for themselves,...
FS-2011-02, January 2011 During 2010, new laws, such as the Affordable Care Act and the Small Business Jobs Act of 2010, created or expanded deductions and credits that small businesses and self-employed individuals should consider when completing their tax...
Businesses accommodating people with disabilities may qualify for some of the following tax credits and deductions. More detailed information may be found in the IRS publications referenced. Disabled Access Credit The Disabled Access Credit provides a non-refundable credit for...
With technology making it easier than ever for people to operate a business out of their house, many taxpayers may be able to take a home office deduction when filing their 2009 federal tax return next year. Here are...