The IRS has released many of the remaining refunds that were held up by the IRS under a nationwide computer problem. This nationwide computer problem had previously delayed up to half of all taxpayer refunds that were filed between 2/2 – 2/7.
For most of the first part of February, this nationwide problem at the IRS was causing the IRS “Where’s My Refund” service to not display ANY information for many taxpayers. This led these taxpayers to incorrectly believe that their return had not been filed, even though it had been. The problem also caused nationwide refunds delays. This problem at the IRS, which now appears to be fixed, affected all tax preparers nationwide, as well as millions of taxpayers.
As of today, looking at statistics of tax returns recently filed, here are estimates of the percentage of refunds not yet released by the IRS:
– for returns filed on 2/02 and prior, almost all refunds have been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/03 – 2/13, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/14, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/15 – 2/19, approximately 20% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/20, approximately 45% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/21, approximately 80% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/22 and beyond, the IRS has released very few refunds.
February 27, 2012 – Updated Information on Nationwide IRS Refund Delay
Currently, the IRS has not released the refunds of up to 20% to 25% of taxpayers who filed between 2/2 and 2/4. These refunds had been delayed due to a nationwide computer problem at the IRS. Indications are that the IRS will release many of these remaining held refunds (from the period 2/2 to 2/4) by the middle of this week.
As of today, looking at statistics of tax returns recently filed, here are estimates of the percentage of refunds not yet released by the IRS:
– for returns filed on 2/01, approximately 6% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/02, approximately 20% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/03, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/04, approximately 25% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/05, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/06, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/07, approximately 9% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/08, approximately 10% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/09, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/10, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/11, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/12, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/13, approximately 15% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/14, approximately 30% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/15, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/16, approximately 50% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/17, approximately 60% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/18, approximately 65% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/19, approximately 65% have not yet been released by the IRS.
– for returns filed on 2/20, approximately 80% have not yet been released