Using strong password is a strong defense against identity thieves

By mouse

December 12, 2019

Two things taxpayers can do to prevent themselves from identity theft is to use strong passwords and keep those passwords secure.

While many people use fingerprint or facial recognition technology to protect their devices, sometimes it’s still necessary to use a password. In recent years, cybersecurity experts’ recommendations on what constitutes a strong password has changed. With that in mind, here are four tips for building a better password:

Writing strong passwords isn’t the only way to keep data secure. Here are a few more tips for folks to remember. People should:

Whenever it is an option for a password-protected account, users also should opt for a multi-factor authentication process. Many email providers, financial institutions and social media sites now offer customers two-factor authentication protections. Two-factor authentication helps by adding an extra layer of protection. Often two-factor authentication means the returning user must first enter credentials like a username and password. Then they must do another step, such as entering a security code texted to a mobile phone